Week 15: Christmas Break


I worked on lots of math playing with the Turing Tumble we got for Christmas. It's like z puzzle you have to figure out with problems and stuff.

We read the Gift of the Magi. I really liked this story because both the wife and the husband were trying hard to give each other gifts and when they gave the gifts they realized that they sold the thing that their gift was for. 

I got a small slime kit for Christmas so I made slime. I also got bath slime for Christmas. That was really fun!

I did loads of puzzles over break!

Ninja Warrior Gym
We went skiing so much. I also had my first day back at Ninja Warrior and we did spider jumps trying to go over a wall that is 1.5 feet tall.


I practiced my multiplication over break, just trying to memorize them. I also earned money. I also sorted loads of pennies that we got from my grandpa. 

I got hooked to Harry Potter over break. I'm already on the second book. I got an iPod for Christmas with lots of books loaded on it so I also listened to about 4 books: The Candy Shop War, The Art of Keeping Cool, The Children of the Noisy Village, King Midas' Touch, two Green Ember Books and now I'm listening to the Secret Garden. 

For my physics exam I had to remember all three of Newton's laws. I had to describe them and We got a Turing Tumble for Christmas and it is AWESOME! It's a big puzzle that has problems that you have to solve. It's kind of like a coding thing.

We played loads of games and puzzles. I also spent hours over break with my LEGOs, and we built a massive snow fort outside with a hallway, windows, it's awesome. 

Ninja Warrior Gym
We skied a ton. I also restarted Ninja this week. We did burnouts, which is a ton of pull ups, push ups and sit ups.


We got a Turing Tumble for Christmas. It's like a marble track that represents a computer. There are problems to solve and you have to figure out each step to make the marbles go in the right places. 

I listened to Candy Shop War over break. It's about four kids who earned the trust of a candy shop owner. She is a wizard and she gives them candy. Then they learn that she is evil so they find another wizard and start working for him. Then a spy comes so they start working for him. 

I got an awesome animal encyclopedia for Christmas. It is so cool and has so many animals in it. It also shows how the animals are classified. 

I watched loads of videos about pet care. Then I built a mini rat condo for my rats out of chipboard and paper mache using a flour paste so it is safe for the rats to chew on. 

I'm busy memorizing my part for the new scene that my friend and I get to do for the showcase in a couple weeks. 


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