Week 29


I've been adding near tens some more with my abacus. It is pretty simple. 

Today I read a story about a boy named Ikwa. He is a Eskimo and lives far north from us. He lives  in an igloo. They cut the snow from the windblown snow. 

In our Spring book it talked about spring runners. It was talking about how everything starts to move in the spring. People get outside to garden, the birds start making their nests, and even the wind blows fiercely. 

With my connector toys today I built a landing pad and a helicopter. I built a few helicopters, two big ones and a small one. 

I am learning to skip more notes on the staff right now. So I go from a G up to a C which makes me think a lot more. 


In math today I learned how to read scales. Like a scale that you use to read you car's speed or a thermometer. Every scale has its own system, like some count by 2's, other by 5's and some by 10's. 

In Matchlock Gun today I read about Gertrude, the boy's mom. The boy said, "let's go on a walk" to find the cows to bring them in. They saw smoke from the indians. The mom was a little nervous, but she told her son that they were really far away, even though she knew from the smoke that they were really close, like 2 miles away.

. The Spring run is when everything starts happening in the spring. Birds come back from hibernation, animals wake up, the trees grow green and also the farmers start planting and everything come alive. 

Today I built a small base with my connector pieces. I also built a dragon with a tail. Since it fell apart easily I put a rubberband on it and it helped to keep it together. I also built a ship I called the "Thingamajigger."

In piano I'm learning some really run music. One of the songs is easy, but I'm also doing some hard ones, like one that is mostly fast and staccato. 


In math I am bisecting angles. To do this I use my compass. You put the center on the angle and then you pick any point on the compass, draw an arc from side to side and then you put the center of the compass on one of the vertices on one of the sides. Then you draw about a quarter of the circle on the inside of the angle. Then do the exact same thing on the other corner. Where those two circle parts meet you draw a line to the circle. 

Pruence met Hannah Tupper. She is the "witch" of Blackbird Pond. Prudence was first afraid of her because she thought she was a witch, but then she really started to like her. 

I started growing crystals. I mixed copper sulfate with water and alum with water in another jar. THey have started to grow crystals. 

I really want a Critter Nation rat cage so I can raise some rats. I have been looking for lots of opportunities to earn money because it is an expensive cage. I've been babysitting, mowing own lawn, spreading fertilizer, and other work.
In cello I picked my recital piece. I am going to play Allegro. My recital is this weekend. I'm akso working on a new song called "long Ago."


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