Week 18



I am working on my addition facts. I have been using the abacus to help me because I'm still trying to remember my addition facts.

This week I started reading a story called "We Eat Dinner in the Bathtub." It's a silly story about a family that eats dinner in the bathtub because they sleep in the garage and they park in the kitchen and cook in the bedrooms. It's so funny.


This week we learned about spiders. I learned that some spider live in the web and some on the ground. Some even wander and don't use a web to catch food.

This week I made some cool stuff with my magnet blocks. I made a huge hotel thing with 6 rooms. It had a door with a balcony too. We didn't get a picture of it but it was awesome.


I really love my recital song. I have it memorized. I am practicing playing it while saying the letter names.



I am working on subtraction facts now. I worked on subtracting tens and near tens this week.

In the Little Riders, Captain Braun, on Fridays he is gone which is good because the family wanted to have a meeting. One by one they came and had a meeting. Joann had a post outside behind the lilac bush to watch for enemies and Captain Braun was whistling and he came closer. The whistling sounded weird because no one else was allowed to walk and make music so freely, so she knew it was him. It was a dark and windy and rainy night. They all left one by one, just as they came, and they were almost invisible because of the weather.

There was a spider that I sketched out of a book and learned about. It was called a wandering spider spider that lives in rainforests. It catches and eats tree frogs.

This week I had to break apart a car that I had built so I could get the piece that I needed. My dad helped me get all the tubes on and then I'm going to attach a big piece to the hand.

In orchestra we are practicing "Run Pony Run." Its a fiddle rhythm. I really like it, more than my other songs.


In math I divided up hexagons and octagons. Also, for fun I was trying to test how to get Pi. I got the wrong answer so I'm going to keep trying.

In the biography I'm reading, John Eliot, he got married just so he could come to America. Then they had a meeting to plan about when the ship leaves. He wants to get to America because he is friends with someone who isn't really friendly with the rules of the land.

I read in Rain, Hail, Sleet and Snow about how clouds work and how they are made. For it to rain there has to be something for the water droplets to stick to. Most of the time there is dust or something in the air for the water droplets to stick to, but when there's not sometimes airplanes will fly up and release a chemicals into the clouds so that the water droplets to stick to so it will rain. A reason why it is raining even if you don't have clouds right above you is because the wind has blown the cloud away but it takes 20 minutes for the rain to fall, in most cases. 

I learned how a gondola works. At the bottom and the top of the gondola ride it goes slower. This is because the gondola has a little clamp that holds I onto the cable and the cable goes really fast, but when it gets to one end of the line it pops off the cable nd rides along a track. When everyone is on the gondola then it pops back onto the cable.

In orchestra, there were these little achievement papers that were passed out to test us. I passed just fine and got my achievement belt.


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