Week 7
I practice writing numbers this week. I also practiced looking at groups of tally sticks and saying the number without counting.
My mom read me "A House is a House for Me." I really like this book. A shoe is a house for a foot!
No ballet this week due to UEA.
I had a fun activity this week. I got to tally all the dish in one of our cabinets. Then I tried adding them up in my head. I checked my work with my abacus. I got it wrong in my head, but that's okay.
I am reading Frog and Toad All Year. I just started a new chapter about ice cream!
I learned more about desert life today. I learned that special woodpeckers make holes in saguaro cacti. Then, elf owls make their homes in the holes that the woodpeckers make! Elf owls are the smallest owls in the world.
We didn't have tech this week because my dad and mom went out of town on our tech class day.
Ninja Warrior Gym
This week we worked on another obstacle course. I am getting pretty good at the teetering monkey bars. I am also getting fast at the wall climb.
This week I did some work with multiplication. Using my abacus I found the missing factors of different equations. I also learned that the answer to multiplication is called a product.
This week I started learning about adjectives and articles. There are only three articles: a, an, and the. adjectives and articles both modify nouns.
Today I watched some videos about DNA with my older sister. It was interesting to learn how genes in our body even tell how soft or curly our hair will be!
We didn't have tech class this week because my dad went out of town with my mom. I built an awesome train track for my little sister though.
Ninja Warrior Gym
We did some parkour stuff today. We jumped the gap and they kept making the gap bigger. I also worked all we on my vertical grip outside on our rope. It really helped make my hands stronger!
In algebra I am working on changing the order of operations. Sometimes it can make a huge difference. For instance the answer can change from 12 to 200 just depending on whether or not there are any parentheses.
I am keyword underlining a paragraph about the Boston Massacre. Once I am done with the underlining then I will rewrite the paragraph in my own words.
This week I made a marshmallow DNA model (that my sister ate!!). The model I made was splitting to make RNA. I also did an experiment to find my own DNA, but it failed.
We didn't do tech class this week because my mom and dad are taking me on an awesome trip to California! We are going to the Monterrey Bay Aquarium where we get to go on a special behind the scenes tour to feed the animals. Then we're going sea kayaking to go see LOADS of animals in their natural habitat.
I am missing my acting class this week to go to CALIFORNIA!!
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