Week 28
My dad is reading us Rascal right now. He first started to read us The Prince and the Pauper but I was having a hard time listening to it. It's an old book. He said he'll read it to us in a couple of years. Rascal is REALLY funny though.
I been watching for birds in my backyard. We have a lot of robins right now. They have a red breast. We also have a lot of little birds that sign a lot in the morning.
We have these toys called ZOOB. They are really fun. Today I made a gunship out of them. I added jet blasters to the back so it'll go fast. I also built a fort at the top of our hill where our slide is.
I had my recital this weekend. I did really well and my dad played a duet with me. It was really scary to say my name and my piano song names. I was really happy when it was over.
I have been learning a lot about different shapes and their names. Today I filled out a chart that asked me questions like how many angles each shape has and if it is a "regular" shape. "Regular" means that all the sides are the same length always. A square is a "regular polygon."
My dad just started reading Rascal to us last night. It is really funny. A boy discovers a baby raccoon adopts it and he gave it a sugar cube over a bowl of milk and raccoons like to wash their food first so he put it in the bowl of milk and it dissolved. He went crazy trying to find his sugar cube!!
I've been helping my mom in the garden some more. We found a brown recluse spider by the garden in the tall grass right by the wood. It was pretty fast. We also found LOADS of roly pollies. We planted lots of herbs, green beans, basil, and lavender.
We didn't get our tech class done this week. We did build a whole fairy garden though. We designed it on paper first. I built a little bridge, my brother laid down the stream and my sister laid down the gravel path. We all got to plant the flowers.
Since we're done with orchestra I'll talk about my piano recital. I play "Raiders" from Indian Jones. It was such a hard and fun song to play. I'm glad I don't have to work on it anymore, but it is pretty cool.
Since we're done with orchestra I'll talk about my piano recital. I play "Raiders" from Indian Jones. It was such a hard and fun song to play. I'm glad I don't have to work on it anymore, but it is pretty cool.
I've been doing more things with circumference. Today I learned how to use a radius to make a spiral. At first it was confusing but that was because I was working for the wrong point with my goniometer.
In grammar I am learning more about pronouns. Also, for a writing assignment I wrote down a decree about how I'll be a perfect rat owner. It was about a page long.
I am doing geology right now and today I started growing crystals in two different ways, The first one is with copper sulfate and water and the second is with alum and water. I'm curious to see if it works and how long they take.
I REALLY REALLY want to get rats so I have been learning all about them. I have learned which cage is the best so I keep looking on Facebook Marketplace, KSL.com, and EBAY to find the best deal. I found on on FB that was only $100 and it came with 2 rats AND all the accessories, but someone else got to it before me. Then I found another that is $60 without any accessories or the rats, but that person hasn't responded yet. Besides, even though it seems cheaper than the $100 dollar one, it wouldn't be in the long run because I'd have to buy rats and all those accessories. Rats are really smart and need a lot of stimulation so they really need lots of accessories. But I also looked on pinterest and found patterns for rat hammocks and stuff that I can make and that will save me money.
I had my piano recital this weekend. I played Fur Elise by Beethoven. I loved playing that song. I worked so hard on it. I didn't play it as well as I know how at the recital because I got a little nervous, but I played it pretty well.
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