Week 24 :: Spring Fever
Oh boy, the sun is warming our bones, tulips are coming up, we're planting seeds and watching for birds. We love spring!
I have learned about greater than and less than. I learned that you can put two dots by the number that is more and one dot by the number that is less and then connect the dots. That's how you make the less than/greater than signs.
We finished "40 Thieves" this week. Ali Baba's servant tricked the captain's men and drowned them all with burning hot oil. The captain was really mad and tried to kill Ali Baba by buying the across the street. He became really good friends with Ali Baba and his son. They invited him to eat with them but he won't eat salt with his neighbor. The servant thought this was weird and then she saw it was the mean captain. She tricked him again and stabbed him. Ali Baba was mad at first and then she showed him that the captain was hiding a knife. Ali Baba didn't even know he was a bad guy.
We read about nuts that have maggots in them. The maggots are baby beetles. The mom lays the egg in the nut and then the maggot is born and eats the nut and grow into a beetle and digs out of the nut.
We had a huge dirt pile in the backyard because my mom is making a new garden. Today we made the coolest hotel in the dirt pile. It had a pool with a diving board, a desk made out of a metal piece, and a car garage.
I've been practicing "This Land is Your Land." It's hard to count out loud and play at the same time, but I keep trying. It has ties, too.
I am learning about breaking a triangle into thirds using my drawing tools. I also made a circle and another big shape into thirds.
We finished "The 40 Thieves" story today. The servant had really clever ideas to kill the thieves and the captain. Ali Baba said that since she saved his life she could be set free.
Today I learned about catkins nuts. The tree has long fluffy things that give out a yellow dust. The dust lands in the flowers of the tree. Then the flowers turns into a nut. Squirrels and birds like to eat the nuts. Weevils also lay their eggs in the nuts sometimes. the egg hatches into a maggot. The maggot eats the soft insides of the nut and then turns into a beetle.
This week I worked on my pinewood derby car. I drew the design and my dad cut it with the saw. Then I sanded it and painted it. Tomorrow we're going to add weights. Without weights it won't be able to go very fast. I made it look like an airplane.
I don't like orchestra. We only have 5 more weeks. I like playing but I don't feel like I know what I'm always doing. My mom encouraged me to sit in the front rows this week. I tried, but then I moved to the back. That's where my friend sits.
I don't like orchestra. We only have 5 more weeks. I like playing but I don't feel like I know what I'm always doing. My mom encouraged me to sit in the front rows this week. I tried, but then I moved to the back. That's where my friend sits.
In math I learned what a hypotenuse is. It is the longest line on a right triangle. I am learning about the Pythagorean theorem as well.
In Johnny Tremain he got hired as a paper boy by his friend's uncle and in three days he has to ride through three different cities: Boston, Cambridge and another, then he takes a ferry back to Boston.
He also gets to stay with his friend. And now he gets to read as much as he wants, and he really loves to read, so that's good.
Today I made hail stones. It sounded a lot more interesting than it actually was. I froze little water droplets, so they were little ice drops. Then I put another little drop of water on as they froze and kept doing that about every 10 minutes. When I pulled them out I looked at them with a magnifying glass and there were rings of water droplets on the bottom side.
Each little cell in our body has a tiny little bit of energy. But when you combine all the cells in our brain it creates enough energy to power A LOT of car batteries ( in the thousands). My dad said that this is true in the same way that thousands of ants could move a tank. They could only do that if you cut the tank into tiny little pieces.
I passedoff another belt today in orchestra. I had to play a song by myself to pass it off.
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