Week 6
This week I practiced writing my numbers. I would count the number of items and then write the number on the line.
We read lots of library books this week. I also did more work with vowels.
We are working on our recital dance already. We are dancing to a Christmas song.
To work on my addition facts we played addition bingo. We played 2 rounds and I won the first one. We ran out of cards before anyone won the second one.
I am working on sight word flash cards. I'm getting pretty fast at them.
We learned about different kinds of eggs. Eggs can be tiny, huge, gooey, hard, rubbery, smooth or rough. the yolk feeds the animal inside.
I made a hammer golf thing out of LEGO. You put a little ball on a pad. Then you push a little lever and that pushes a stick which makes the little hammer swing and hit the ball.
Ninja Warrior Gym
We did an obstacle course today. I had to do monkey bars, then jump the gap, run on diagonals, swing on a rope, run up a wall, do 2 ninja roll, balance on a bar, balance on a pipe, and then swing on a rope again.
This week I have been working with tangrams and making rectangles. It can be challenging sometimes! I'm also doing trapezoids with tangrams.
I have been learning about nouns and proper nouns. Proper nouns are always capitalized and sometimes have more than one word. Common nouns only have one word and are not capitalized.
For physics we talked about seatbelts. So I had to invent something to protect people from their inertia when a car crashes. I created a seat that would eject the person while keeping a pillow under their bum for a soft[er] landing.
For tech class we finally finished our conveyor belt!! My mom took a video of it and is going to try to upload it. {bottom of post}
Ninja Warrior Gym
This week we worked really hard on grip. I have homework to work on my vertical grip. The challenge is to hold on for 2 minutes without falling.
In algebra I just finished the lessons on raising the power. Like, 2 to the power of 8 is 2x2=4x2=8x2=16x2=32 etc...
I am copying the Gettysburg Address for my copywork right now. "Fourscore and sever years ago..." I've only just started it, but we're learning about the Civil War this year so I'm excited to learn about it.
We looked at a leaf under a microscope. We weren't able to focus it the way we needed, but were able to see some bubble shapes and we think that was the chloroplast.
We finally got the conveyor belt working!! My mom is going to try to upload the video. {bottom of post}
This week we learned more about our characters so that we can get more into our characters. We watched the clip where Beth dies in Little Women.
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