Week 3
This week I practiced making more tally marks. I also played memory with number cards.
I finished the alphabet with my matching cupcake cards. I practiced all week. Mama also read me some more poetry and I memorized a poem!
I love ballet! We worked on the barre today. I've never done that before.
I am using an abacus to add 2 digit numbers. When I finish each question I color in a number on the grid. When I'm all done it is going to make a pattern on the grid.
My mom is reading me A Wonder Book for Girls and Boys and the first story is about a gorgon. Perseus was on a bench and he saw a stranger and Perseus said to the stranger that he needs to get the gorgon's head to give to the king so he can give it to the princess so he can marry her. The stranger said, "don't look at her eyes or else you'll turn to stone. Polish your shield until you can see your face in it and come back to me." That's where we stopped.
This week we went to the zoo. My favorite animal was the white wolf. I also liked watching the sea lions play.
This morning I made a thing with 2 bottles and a tube between them. I duct taped all the pieces together. Then I duct taped a funnel to one end of the tube. I put water down the tunnel and into the bottle. It kept leaking so I kept putting on more duct tape, but it still kept leaking.
Ninja Warrior Gym
At ninja warrior we climbed up a cargo net. It wasn't too hard. At the top there is a bar we hang on and then drop onto a fluffy cushion. We also have to move our feet before we move our hands and our hands have to stay on one rope so we don't wiggle all over the place. Also, we climbed on the underside, which is harder than the topside.
I do warm ups every morning which is adding and subtracting 4 digit numbers. I'm working on measuring in inches, feet and centimeters. I do perimeter as well.
In Bound for Oregon they have already left and have walked close to 300 miles. Also, they sleep in the wagon squished together and one the first night they ate rice cakes.
In physics I am learning about gravity. I did a thought experiment about what it would be like if there were no gravity. I also imagined if one of the forces on a cup of water on a table were taken away. I took away air pressure.
In my tech class we are making a conveyor. I am working with my sister to decide how long to belt the belt and the best way to push the items off.
Ninja Warrior Gym
In ninja warrior we got to do some of the grownup obstacles. We always do a 10 minute warm-up too.
In geometry I am doing some crazy things with reflection and rotation. I am also rotating a shape and then moving it across the page with careful measuring. Today I worked on lines of symmetry as well.
In my writing class we had to read a section and write notes on it. Then we rewrote it in our own words. In class my teacher asked me to read my assignment from last week about Christopher Columbus out loud to the class.
For biology I am learning all about nutrition and how to read nutrition labels. I had to get on myplate.org and figure out what a typical day for my diet should look like. I learned that I eat more carbs than I need.
In my tech class we are making a conveyor. I am working with my brother to decide how long to belt should be and the best way to push the items off. I'm working with my dad to learn how to program it.
We've been playing some get to know you games. We also played some games that put us into different, made up characters. I am really liking it.
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