Week 20


We've been playing a game called Corners. It's really fun. What you do match the same color of numbers and try to make 5, 10, 15 or 20. First person to get to 100 win. I won today. I keep the score too and I use an abacus to help me add.

We're reading Aladdin. He now has a palace. He wanted to marry the sultan's daughter but the sultan said only if 40 slaves dressed really nice. He did and he got a kingdom with precious rocks. The visier got the lamp and took the palace to africa. Then the  sultan looked out the window the next day and couldn't see the palace. 

We learned about a woodpecker's nest. A little boy found the nest and saw the eggs. He left them there and then watched the mom and dad bring worms for the babies after they hatched. 

This week I built a coll tower with my KEVA blocks. I really liked the way it looked when you looked down the center of it.

This week we had our Master's Class, where we play for the other kids. I really liked it and can already play without my music in front of me. 


In math I am working on subtraction. Today I played a game where I had to equal 1, 2, 3, 4 etc using a set of numbers on the top of the page. One that I did was 8=32-24. That was a harder one for me to come up with. 

I'm reading a biography about Sam Adams. He was hiding in a house from the redcoats because the King of England wanted him arrested. 

We read about a woodpecker's nest. Two kids found a nest. One kid got on the back of another kid and picked up one of the eggs and asked, "Should I put the eggs back?" and the other said, "Of course you should!" They watched the nest and nothing happened for a week. But then they saw the parents going to the nest with little worms.. And then a week later they saw little birdies out on the branch. And then a couple weeks later the nest was as quiet and abandoned as a night sky. One time in Colorado we had a blue spruce in the backyard that I climbed up. I found a nest in their with 3 blue eggs and a month later I came back and it was abandoned but I did find a blue feather. 

I am studying Greek architecture. We learned about the doric column. It's one of the most basic columns. It's not very fancy. The bottom starts out wider and it gets skinny at the top. It does not have a base.

We learned two new songs: "This Old Man" and "The Three Musketeers." We're getting better at them. We're also talking about the very beginning of "Run, Pony, Run!"


For the math this week i was dividing polygons into the minimum number of triangles so I could find the area. 

In the Witch of Blackbird Pond, her Uncle Matthew is still not very nice. He wants to be simple but she has all these fancy dresses and has slaves. She wants to help but she really isn't that good at stuff. Her Aunt Rachel and Mercy are really nice. She went to church with them and wondered how they sit so still. She mentioned that she only went to Christmas Mass before and her Uncle got really angry about the Church of England. 

In Nearer Nature I read about three different kinds of wildflowers. I read about red trilliums, mocassin flowers, and Dutchman's pants. Mocassin flowers can be anywhere from a really deep red to white, but it is really rare to find a white one. The author found one and he wanted to to take a picture with his camera but decided instead to preserve it in his memory. 

We worked on our hand grabber thingy this week. My dad put some of the tubes on for us because they can be tricky to get on. We also had to switch out one of the bars for a shorter one. We also needed to find a smaller pump because we were using the wrong ones. We also attached the air compressor. 

In orchestra we did a review. We are working on French Folk Song, Frere Jacques, and Can Can ( from the Three Musketeers). 


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